Friday, January 20, 2012

Place Test: Technology Endorsement trial!

This week, I took some time to look at the Colorado Place Test for Instructional Technology Endorsement. For starters, I never realized how many objectives there were to Instructional Technology. As I was reading the objectives, I found myself analyzing which ones I used in my science classroom. Then I took the practice test to see how well I knew the objectives. The link below is the test I took.

Instructional Technology Practice Test

I scored a 11/12 giving me a 92% on the practice test. The one question I missed was #10. The question was in reference to which way to assess 4th graders narrowing their internet search. I chose the best answer to be A; however, the correct answer was C. As a middle school teacher, it made more sense to have my students provide me with websites that were the most useful with information vs. giving them an assignment to look for specific facts. The answer C made more sense for a 4th grader; however, I think it is still a good skill for students to evaluate and analyze websites as well. As a secondary teacher, it is definitely in my nature to think of their abilities and my expecations over elementary.
So the objective I still need to work on is: Understand principles of planning and designing learning environments and experiences supported by technology. At least in recognizing learning environments are obviously different in elementary vs. secondary. Overall, the experience was fun and insightful!

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