In a previous post, I described my personal definition of Technology Integration. According to my EDTC 614 course, the definition is a little more in depth than just tools to enhance the students' learning experiences. It also incorporates technology based practices in daily routines and management of schools. By providing hardware and software to allow collaboration and communication among all educational staff. When you take into account this in depth definition, it really does embraces the idea of collaboration. Technology integration is not done by just one person. When it comes to integrating technological components into my curriculum, I have to rely on numerous people in my building and district to make it work. For example, in order for me to provide my students with a simple webquest assignment, I have to ask my technology specialist to make sure the hardware and software are up to date and in working order for my class. In return, she has to rely on the district specialist to determine the amount of bandwidth I need for all 30 of my students to be working wireless in the same building that other teachers may be doing the same type of activity with their own students. Not to mention, I need to rely on others to share information online that may be beneficial to use.
Because of the amount of collaboration needed to integrate technology into classrooms, the TPACK framework really does examine the best way to define technology integration. Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge (TPACK) combines the interactions of content, pedagogy, and technology knowledge. (Roblyer, pp. 49) The framework of TPACK really proves each is intertwined with each other. As a science teacher, I definitely developed my content knowledge first, then the pedagogy came through my early years of teaching experience, now technology knowledge has become and intricate part. Since technology knowledge has become so important, I took it upon myself to analyze the requirements of a technology educator in Colorado. According to the objectives for the Colorado Place Test. It was interesting to find out that one of the objectives for technology education is: To understand applications of mathematics and natural and physical science in technological systems and processes (, 18 January 2012). Since science is constantly changing with new discoveries, it is vital for technology to communicate and educate these new science changes. So, as a science teacher, I have to rely heavily on technology to communicate to me, so I may teach my students the accurate, up to date information.
Since I rely on technology to communicate to me, I personally believe it is important for me to share information as well. Hence this blog. This is definitely an outlet for me to take some of my new found knowledge and share it with it others.
In my previous post, I talked about agreeing with Edutopia's definition of technology integration; however, after further consideration, it is much more involved and in depth.
Core strategy: Technology integration. (2012). Retrieved from
Program for Licensing Assessments for Colorado Educators. (2002). Retrieved from
Roblyer, M.D., & Doering. A.H.(Ed.).(Recent edition). Integrating educational technology into teaching. Boston, MA: Allyn&Bacon.
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